Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Research shows that manual therapy combined with some form of exercise is a very effective treatment for spinal, neck and low back pain. Thats why here at Nordonia Hills Chiropractic, we want to shed some light on how combining chiropractic care with physical therapy can help you reach your healthcare goals. Through chiropractic, you regain nerve function and spinal alignment, while physical therapy helps improve strength, flexibility, coordination and mobility. By combining these two important care practices, we can engage the patient in both active (physical therapy) and passive (chiropractic) care and minimize the need for medications. Erchonia Low Level Cold Laser ![]() Every living cell in the human body made up of muscles, organs, bone, nerve cell and other tissues, functions at a specific frequency. The frequency of these cells change when exposed to emotional and physical stressors, chemical toxins, surgery and even injury. During this process, the communication between the brain and the cells in your body is interrupted. Erchonia is the only cold laser that will help reactivate the communication between the brain and the damaged cells. Low level laser therapy uses low wavelengths of light to accelerate healing and relieve pain for a variety of acute and chronic conditions particularly neck and back pain. The laser photons penetrate up to 5 centimeters below the skin, passing through to the subcutaneous tissue. Photosensitive elements in the cells absorb and interact with the light. Absorbing the light, the cells trigger processes that heal damaged tissue, increase intracellular metabolism, reduce pain, edema and inflammation. The capabilities of low-level lasers have been used in fat loss and pain relief for over 50 years. During the peak of his career, Tiger Woods relied on Erchonia Cold Laser Therapy to speed up tissue recovery and decrease healing time. ELT is a no-pill pain reducing solution that not only hides your pain, but eliminates it. In just minutes, laser therapy can have a dramatic effect on your inflammation. As the inflammation shrinks and shrivels, you begin to feel like you've regained your flexibility again. With such dramatic results, anyone with spine and joint issues should be taking advantage of this therapy. The results of using Erchonia Cold Laser Therapy for physical injuries and disorders include a reduction in swelling, an increase in tissue healing, reduction in pain, increased mobility, and maximum recovery. Listed below are just a few of the many benefits of ELT.
Cold Laser Therapy is very beneficial for many disorders including:
Electric Muscle Stimulation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation sends electrical impulses to your motor nerves in order to create muscle contractions, which in turn helps to strengthen weak muscles, speed up recovery, rehabilitation and development. By stimulating the sensory nerves, electrical nerve stimulation produces high levels of endorphins to help ease body pain and block pain signals to the brain. These nerves activate the muscle, which then contracts based on the amount of resistance applied through the device. The brain experiences a similar process when lifting weights. It has even been hailed as the future of fitness as it helps to correct muscle imbalances in the body that lead to pain and poor posture. EMS offers considerable strength enhancement and speeds up recovery, making it a good addition to sports therapy. By increasing the blood flow to your muscles, more red blood cells are able to generate more oxygen. More oxygen to the muscles speeds up the healing process and flushes toxins from your muscles more efficiently. EMS helps restore and enhance the connections between the brain and the body that are disrupted by fatigue and injury.